Nancy, France   22 - 23 - 24 septembre 2011
38th NES Meeting
Joint Meeting
Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society (NES) - 22-23-24/09
European Society for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Disorders (ESCEBD) - 23/09
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          Hôtel "Park Inn" - Rezidor / SAS

          sur la place en face de la gare (centrale),
          qui de plus est le point de départ et d'arrivée de la navette de l'aéroport régional.

38th NES Meeting (in English)
Thursday, September 22
   Room 1 - "Art Nouveau"
      08:15 - 09:00 - Opening of welcome desk

      09:00 - Opening session
        Chairmen: C.-F. Claussen (Germany), Ph. Perrin (France)

      09:15 - Invited speaker
Lars Ödkvist
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Department of Neuroscience and Locomotion
Linköping University, Sweden
Neurotology outside the core of otogenous vertigo, Keynote speech (45 min)
      Session 1 - Modern Clinical Neurootology
  • O.11 - Vestibular prostheses for patients with bilateral caloric areflexia.
    Herman Kingma, N. Guinand, R. van de Berg, J.-Ph. Guyot, R. Stokroos - Maastricht, The Netherlands
    (20 min)

  • O.12 - Velocity storage and vestibulo-ocular reflex compensation.
    Raphaël Maire - Lausanne, Switzerland (15 min)
Coffee Break

      Session 2 - Postural Control
        Chairmen: M. Magnusson (Sweden), H. Petersen (Iceland)
  • O.21 - Fourty years of body movement analysis by CCG and posturography between 1970 and 2010.
    Lorant Heid (Budapest, Hungary), M. Kersebaum (Bad Kissingen, Germany), C.-F. Claussen (Bad Kissingen, Germany), E. Nagy (Budapest, Hungary), G. Bencze (Budapest, Hungary), B. Bencsik (Budapest, Hungary) (15 min)

  • O.22 - Effects of postural threats on normal and postural phobic subjects.
    Mans Magnusson, F. Tjernström, J. Holmberg, M. Karlberg - Lund, Sweden (10 min)

  • O.23 - Postural adaptations under virtual reality, saccadic and optokinetic visual stimulation.
    Leonel Luis, T. Benzinho, N. Ferreira , F. Vaz Garcia - Lisbon, Portugal (10 min)

        Chairmen: L. Ödkvist (Sweden), F. Vaz Garcia (Portugal)
  • O.24 - Postural control in adolescent extremely low birthweight preterm children.
    Hannes Petersen - Reykjavik, Iceland (10 min)

  • O.25 - Role of the vestibular information in posturo-motor and cognitive development in children.
    Sylvette Wiener-Vacher - Paris, France (10 min)

  • O.26 - Measurements of trunk sway for stance and gait tasks 2 years after vestibular neurectomy.
    Dominique Vibert, Ch. Stieger, S. Wiedmer, J.H.J. Allum, R. Häusler, M. Caversaccio - Berne and Basel, Switzerland (10 min)

  • O.27 - Visuo-proprioceptive interactions in cervical pathologies necessitating an indication for surgery.
    Sébastien Freppel, S. Colnat-Coulbois, A. Bisdorff, H. Ceyte, G. Gauchard, J. Auque, Ph. Perrin - Nancy, France (10 min)

  • P.21 - Contribution of the static vs. dynamic proprioceptive cues in the postural control of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and healthy adolescents.
    Sébastien Caudron, C. Fortin, G. Bollini, M. Vaugoyeau, Ch. Assaiante - Marseille, France

  • P.22 - An investigation into the use of postural evaluation and proprioceptive exercises for injury prevention amongst football players.
    Philippe Campillo, J. Zaremba, V. Margerin - Lille, France
Coffee Break

      Session 3 - Motion sickness (ESCEBD)
        Organisation: Gilles Bosser, Nancy, France, and Pierre Denise, Caen, France
  • O.31 - Whale vestibular morphology and sea sickness.
    Hannes Petersen - Reykjavik, Iceland (10 min)

  • O.32 - Motion sickness and vestibular hypersensitivity.
    Art I. Mallinson, N.S. Longridge - Vancouver, Canada (10 min)

  • O.33 - Galvanic vestibular stimulation mitigates motion sickness.
    Michael J. Cevette, J. Stepanek, A. Galea, S. Oakley, L. Wagner, B.E. Smith, D. Zapala, D. Cocco, K. Brookler, G. Pradhan - Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona (10 min)

  • O.34 - Cybersickness and its effect in society.
    Mans Magnusson - Lund, Sweden (10 min)

  • O.35 - No effects of anti-motion sickness drugs on vestibular evoked myogenic potentials outcome parameters.
    Robby Vanspauwen, A.I. Weerts, M.I. Hendrickx, C. Blaivie, Ph.G. Jorens, P.H. I. Van de Heyning, F.L. Wuyts - Antwerp, Belgium (10 min)

  • O.36 - Validation of a specific drug against G-level transition induced spatial disorientation and orthostatic intolerance: the ESA spin-D study.
    Floris L. Wuyts, R. Vanspauwen, K.I. Buytaert, P.-F. Migeotte, X. Neyt, P.H. Van de Heyning, A.P. Weerts - Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium (10 min)

  • O.37 - Mal de débarquement.
    Hannes Petersen - Reykjavik, Iceland (10 min)

  • P.31 - The effectiveness of virtual reality on motion sickness.
    Marie Geronimi, J. Grapinet - Rodez, France
      18:00 - 18:30 - Fine Art
        Forty years of human creative pathfinding cycle including a bridge between fine arts and modern sciences.
        Claus-Frenz Claussen, President of the NES, Bad Kissingen, Germany
Friday, September 23
   Room 1 - "Art Nouveau"
      08:30 - 09:00 - Opening of welcome desk


      Session 4 - Vestibular Disorders
        Chairmen: A. Bisdorff (Luxembourg), N. Deggouj (Belgium)
  • O.41 - Update on the development of the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders.
    Alexandre Bisdorff - Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg (20 min)

  • O.42 - Inner ear hemorrhage. Clinical, biological and imaging aspects in 3 adults.
    Pierre Bertholon, S. Olestki, M.D. Dubois-Boissier, P. Garnier, Ch. Martin - Saint-Etienne, France (10 min)

  • O.43 - Does history help delineate site of pathology in the vestibular patient?
    Art Mallinson, N.S. Longridge - Vancouver, Canada (10 min)

  • O.44 - Serious side-effects of Gentamycine therapy in Meniere's disease.
    Dieter Schneider - Würzburg, Germany (10 min)

  • O.45 - Positional nystagmus in vertebro-basilar insufficency.
    Wojciech Kazmierczak, K. Pawlak-Osinska, H. Kazmierczak - Torun, Poland (10 min)

  • O.46 - Electronystagmographic analysis of optokinetic and smooth pursuit eye movement disorders in vestibular lesions.
    Agnes Szirmai, B. Keller - Budapest, Hungary (10 min)

  • O.47 - Unilateral benign paroxysmal positional vertigo tends to occur on the side of the shorter common crus.
    Sachiko Aoki, Y. Arai, Y. Takei, K. Suzuki, A. Masukawa - Tokyo, Japan (10 min)
Coffee Break

      Session 5 - Tinnitus
        Chairmen: D. Schneider (Germany), H. Kazmierczak (Poland)
  • O.51 - Character analysis of the patients with intractable tinnitus.
    Sachiko Aoki, Y. Takei - Tokyo, Japan (10 min)

  • O.52 - An external electrical treatment for ear fullness and tinnitus.
    Junichi Matsushima - Sapporo, Japan (10 min)

  • O.53 - Is the degree of discomfort caused by tinnitus in normal hearing individuals correlated to the function of outer hair cells?
    Ronaldo Campos Granjeiro, H.M. Kehrle, T.S. Cardoso de Oliveira, C.A. Pires de Oliveira, A.L.L. Sampaio - Brasilia, Brazil (10 min)

  • O.54 - Is the degree of discomfort caused by tinnitus in normal hearing individuals correlated to psychiatric disorders?
    Ronaldo Campos Granjeiro, H.M. Kehrle, T.S. Cardoso de Oliveira, C.A. Pires de Oliveira, A.L.L. Sampaio - Brasilia, Brazil (10 min)

  • O.55 - DPOAEs in subjects claiming compensation for NIHL with tinnitus.
    Philippe DeJonckere, C. Coryn - Utrecht, The Netherlands (10 min)


      Session 6 - Vestibular System Investigation
        Chairmen: M.J. Cevette (USA), P. Bertholon (France)
  • O.61 - Differentiations in the caloric test results by means of butterfly patterns from 1970 till 2010.
    Beata Bencsik (Budapest, Hungary), L. Heid (Budapest, Hungary), M. Kersebaum (Bad Kissingen, Germany), C.-F. Claussen (Bad Kissingen, Germany), E. Nagy (Budapest, Hungary), G. Bencze (Budapest, Hungary) (10 min)

  • O.62 - Review of the results of our 250 latest video head impulse test.
    Valérie Wiener, D. de Siati, C. Gilain, M. Gersdorff, N. Deggouj - Bruxelles, Belgium (10 min)

  • O.63 - vHIT as a diagnostic tool.
    Leonel Luis, F. Vaz Garcia - Lisbon, Portugal (10 min)

  • O.64 - Vestibular neuritis recovery: the vHIT dynamic perspective.
    Leonel Luis, T. Benzinho, F. Vaz Garcia - Lisbon, Portugal (10 min)

  • O.65 - Validation of Head Impulse Testing measurement methods. The key to clinical usefulness.
    Kamran Barin - Columbus, Ohio, USA (10 min)

  • O.66 - Statistic evaluations of the optokinetic tests in equilibriometry comparative to the Halmagyi tests.
    Friedrich Schöpfer - Hagen, Germany (10 min)

Coffee Break

        Chairmen: B. Franz (Australia), R.C. Granjeiro (Brazil)
  • O.67 - A new technique of VEMP assessment.
    Neil Longridge, A.I. Mallinson - Vancouver, Canada (10 min)

  • O.68 - Vibration induced nystagmus in unilateral vestibular lesions.
    Georges Dumas - Briançon - Grenoble, France (10 min)

  • O.69 - Octave analysis in electro-vestibulography.
    Burkhard Franz, Wantirna - Victoria, Australia (10 min)

  • O.610 - Vestibular evaluation in children.
    Sylvette Wiener-Vacher - Paris, France (10 min)

  • P.61 - Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in early stage of multiple sclerosis and clinically isolated syndrome.
    Luc Crevits, J. Venhovens, J. Debruyne - Ghent, Belgium
Saturday, September 24
   Room 1 - "Art Nouveau"
09:00 am - around 04:00 pm

      09:00 - Regular Member's Assembly of the NES

  • Board of directors' report on the development of the Society
  • Future meetings
  • Frenzel-Sakata Award 2012: proposals to be discussed and decided
  • Tato-Claussen Award 2012: proposals to be discussed and decided
  • New forms of Organisation of the International Tinnitus Journal
  • Miscellaneous
      Session 7 - Physical Therapy for Neurootological and Neurodegenerative Disorders
        Chairmen: R. Boniver (Belgium), F. Boyer (France)
  • O.71 - Marcel Norre VHT / an old and very good technic of vestibular habituation training.
    Raymond Boniver - Verviers, Belgium (20 min)

  • O.72 - What is multisensory reponderation change before and after a therapeutic canalithiasis repositioning procedure of a vertical semicircular one-sided BPPV?
    François Boyer, S. Ghouli, I. Paté, H. Quinart, E. Regrain, L. Percebois, A. Rapin, L. Tambosco, A. Chays - Reims, France (10 min)

  • O.73 - Vibrotactile neurofeedback training for the treatment of balance deficits.
    Günter Hortmann - München, Germany (10 min)

  • O.74 - Balance rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease.
    Mariella Graziano - Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg (10 min)

  • P.71 - Impacts on postural control and quality of life in elderly with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
    Graziela Gaspar de Santana, F. Dona, F.C. Branco, R.C. Scharlach, M.A. Menon-Miyake, C.A.Kasse - São Paulo, Brazil
      Session 8 - Free Papers
        Chairmen: V. Aoki (Japan), A. Zmirmai (Hungary)
  • O.81 - Hearing loss: central plasticity in the ageing process.
    Pierre Campo - Nancy, France (15 min)

  • O.82 - Transcranial magnetic therapy in tinnitus.
    Katarzyna Pawlak-Osinska, L. Sielski, H. Kazmierczak - Bydgoszcz, Poland (10 min)

  • O.83 - Hearing and balance in arterial hypertensy.
    Katarzyna Pawlak-Osinska, W. Kazmierczak - Torun, Poland (10 min)

  • O.84 - Neurocystercosis.
    Jorge Said, A. Izita - Mexico City, Mexico (10 min)

  • O.85 - Hypothalamic dysfunction in patients with vertigo and migraine.
    Enrique Delucchi - Concepción, Chile (10 min)
7th ESCEBD Meeting - Parallel session (Vendredi 23 sept.)
   Salle 2 - "Lorraine"
09h30 - 18h00

Postural control and relevant parameters in posturography (mainly in French)
  1. Présentation des conclusions de la Réunion 2010
    Modérateurs : E. Raffo, D. Steschenko
      Dyslexie et contrôle postural - Dr Catherine Barondiot, Nancy

  2. Posturographie dans les vertiges et dans les troubles de l'équilibre
    Modérateurs : J. Paysant, G. Vançon
      - Intérêt diagnostique - Dr Laurence Aillagon-Bourguet, ORL, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris
      - Intérêt en rééducation et en suivi de rééducation - Pr François Boyer, Médecine Physique
        et de Réadaptation, CHU de Reims

  3. Discordances clinico-posturographiques et intra-posturographiques
      Clinical-posturographic and intra-posturographic discordances
      Modérateurs : H. Kingma, R. Maire
                 - Point de vue Neuro-Otologique - Christian Van Nechel, Bruxelles
                 - Point de vue Oto-Neurologique - Philippe Perrin, Nancy; Laurence Aillagon-Bourguet, Paris;
                   Mans Magnusson, Lund, Suède
                 - Point de vue du Neuropédiatre - Les pièges des bénéfices secondaires - Catherine Barondiot,
                   Service de Pédiatrie, Hôpital d'Enfants, CHU de Nancy
                 - Point de vue du Pédopsychiatre - Troubles de la posture ou imposture ?
                   Penser à la conversion, authentique trouble de la psyché - Nelly Le Duigou, Service de
                   Psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Hôpital d'Enfants, CHU de Nancy

  4. Avancées de la reconnaissance de la posturographie en tant qu'acte médical

  5. Assemblée générale de l'ESCEBD
Corresponding address
Prof. Philippe Perrin, MD, PhD
Equilibration et Performance Motrice, UFR STAPS
Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy-Université
30, rue du Jardin Botanique
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France

Laboratoire :


Sociétés :

     GN Otometrics SAS
     Médicapteurs, Nice
     Natus Medical Incorporated
     RM Ingénierie, Rodez

N. Longridge (Vancouver, Canada), Ph. Perrin (Nancy, France), M. Magnusson (Lund, Sweden), H. Petersen (Reykjavik, Iceland), R. Maire (Lausanne, Switzerland), A. Mallinson (Vancouver)

B. Frantz (Melbourne, Australia), D. Schneider (Würzburg, Germany), C.F. Claussen (Bad Kissingen, Germany), Sachiko Aoki (Tokyo, Japan), Ph. Perrin (Nancy, France), J.C.R. Seabra (Porto, Portugal)

H. Kingma (Maastricht, The Netherlands), F. Vaz Garcia (Lisbon, Portugal), Ph. Perrin (Nancy, France), P. Denise (Caen, France)

Ph. Perrin (Nancy, France), Ms et Mr Franz (Melbourne, Australia), C.F. Claussen (Bad Kissingen, Germany)

Ph. Perrin (Nancy, France), E. Delucchi (Conception, Chile)

D. Steschenko, C. Barondiot, Ph. Perrin, E. Raffo (Nancy, France)

U. Duquesne (Bruxelles, Belgium), D. Vibert (Berne, Switzerland)

H. Kingma (Maastricht, The Netherlands), Sachiko Aoki (Tokyo, Japan)

Ch. Van Nechel (Bruxelles, Belgium)

M. Magnusson and H. Kingma

B. Kriem, G. Gauchard, S. Gaulier, A. Lion, S. Caudron
NES - ESCEBD Organizing Committee